Akerman brings to world cinema a level of sensitivity & perception that surpasses the best of men (Rohmer, Bergman, Antonioni, Bresson). Les Rendez-vous d'Anna is at once warm and detached, familiar yet strange, funny but serious. It's a film where the personal intersects with the historical; the sexual with the political; and the particular with the universal. Ackerman dissects, deconstructs, and redefines the elements of cinema that JLG never managed to do.
Major Cola·乐
842019 很多年前看过,鬼父在线观看如今重温,只觉得经典。开场黄河畔的马战气势恢宏,动作场面真打真摔。过去的动作演员都有真功夫在身,拍电影也是真玩命。太强了! 于承惠剑圣千古。于海方丈千古。