you know up until about the age of 12, you were an angel. you'd light up a room. and then bang! overnight, you were a teenager. you ran us ragged. and it got worse. anti-this, anti-that. so certain, so bloody-minded. you couldn't leave anything alone. you terrified me! but you know what? god knows, i did admire you. i was so proud. you had convictions. well i buried mine at that camp.when i came home, all i wanted was your mother, a steady job, children and nothing to do with the evil i saw at that camp.but here you are, having to deal with it again. but you will. you will. you know what's right and you'll do it
7.3分,阿莫多瓦对于女性的描写太细腻了,此部探讨的是母女关系,母亲总是在女儿的生活中处于缺席状态,加之母亲作为公众人物出现,她的魅力是女儿一直想要模仿的对象,但正是因为如此,女儿也有了嫉妒心,母女之间出现矛盾。阿莫多瓦通过这层矛盾,探索了母女之间潜在的血缘纽带,老公看我和别人发的关系因此,仍是通过亲情和解。 不过里面有几处叙事太狗血,不愧是阿莫多瓦!